
My father - the second

According to a Buddism book on saying how a baby choose to be "he/she", it is relied on whether the baby likes the mother or father more. If the baby like the father more, then she will become a girl. That's why I also heard people saying: "a girl is the ex-lover of her father in earlier life". But, of course, it actually involves theory of causation too ( 因果)。

I really appreciate my father. He did not object when I chose to go for Private School - Chong Hwa High School. For about 2 years, every morning, he is the one, who woke me up, sent me to take bus, bought breakfast for me. Can imagine when it rains while we still need to go out by MOTOR CYCLE? If I were to follow the local school, he will not have so much trouble and can save quite a lot of money.

You know the wind breeze in early morning at Kahang (with lots of trees) when taking a motor cycle, it is like ice-cold. BUT... I felt so warm when hid behind his back. And right now, Fay's dad is the one who do the things that my father did. I believe when she grow up, this will be part of her sweet childhood memory.

As for me, the close relationship with my father seems to stop there. And drifted apart when he believe that I can be independent...I walked to bus stop with the neighbour boys, I bought my own breakfast. I moved to Kluang hostel...

**A famous educationist once said: PARENTS' LOVE is the ONLY love in the world with the purpose of separation. Because of LOVE, they have to let them go, let them be INDEPENDENT.

**Reference, extract from 于丹《论语》心得 —— 一个心理学博士在书的开头写:这个世界上所有的爱都以聚合为最终目的,只有一种爱以分离为目的,那就是父母的爱。父母真正成功的爱,就是让孩子尽早作为一个独立的个体从你的生命中分离出去。

