
I need to write on this : Macau trip

Two years ago, Sept 2007, the first time that i went for a tour with my mum, our destination was Macau and Hong Kong. It was a memorable trip because we met the Hong Kong 巴士大叔 incident in Macau's version. Very luckily and never expected, we were the one who stopped any misfortune happened.

Our tour member made up from: Me, mum, Jean (my yougest sis), my mum's friend (gu bo with no blood relationship) and Vivien and her hubby.

If not with Vivien's hubby, i think we might ended up in Macau's police station. Till today, i really admire that we have the courage to stand up and managed to stop the fight.

We had a lot of walking and took many type of transports and with many different experiences.

Firstly, we were with the local tour as pre-arranged with Air-asia for half day.
Secondly, we had the private hotel bus for sight-seeing and shopping.

Thirdly, we took a number of local bus (even the wrong direction) and ended up stop to shop for groceries.

Fouth, we took ferry to Hong Kong for a day trip.

Fifth, we took other hotel's transport to the newest and grandest (at that time) Venice Hotel.

My mum was 61 years old, she had visited many countries, most of the time she only likes to buy fresh fruits. Although it was so boring to wait for us while we had shopping, she never complaint. She can just chat with the shopkeeper or when after buying some peach then sit down with the hawker and took a rest.

She is my idol and her perseverance is what I admire most and even now she may not, but I need to say: "Mummy, I love you!"



今天是个特别的日子,谢谢外甥女家韵帮我开创了这个部落格,期许自己能留下甚么可以帮助有缘的朋友。 当然还有家里那两个小公主---妃和嫣。 而且,下午两点又参加了台湾请法团的前行。甚么是前行?简单的说是准备。若作任何事前有准备,就会减少失误,增加达到圆满的机会。出门办事或购物, 安排路线,列清单,都是前行。



先说“法”,煮好菜的方法、装配零件的方法 乃至所有做事的方法,就是“法”。高级一点的,出国留学,上一个短期进修课,即是请“法".




而且,在殊胜的因缘下,我将会在年底到台中的园区去,期待我的修学能有显著的进步,并且在心灵上有所提升。再加上有这样一个福报,那就是我亲爱的 “deer” 禄,多亏他的牺牲和成全,感恩!